Immutable and Spielworks Team Up for Web3 Gaming Rewards and NFTs!

Immutable and Spielworks Team Up for Web3 Gaming Rewards and NFTs!

Play To Earn Games | 22 May 2024 14:36 UTC

Get ready for epic web3 gaming rewards! Immutable and Spielworks team up to enhance the rewards system, integrate AtomicHub for seamless NFT trading, and boost user engagement. Don't miss out on extra rewards and exciting new features on Wasder. Join the fun now!

Quick Recap: Immutable and Spielworks Epic Web3 Collaboration

The Big News

  • Immutable and Spielworks are teaming up to enhance web3 gaming rewards.
  • They’re integrating AtomicHub for seamless NFT trading.

Exciting Features

  • New Exposure Program with special badges and tournaments.
  • Extra rewards available on Spielworks’ social app Wasder.

User Engagement Boost

  • Mutual marketing support to attract more users.
  • Enhanced engagement opportunities for gamers.

Leadership Insights

  • Robbie Ferguson and Adrian Krion are super excited about this partnership.
  • They see this as a game-changer for web3 gaming.

Final Thoughts

  • This collaboration promises better rewards and more fun for everyone in the web3 gaming world.

Immutable and Spielworks Team Up for Epic Web3 Gaming Rewards

Hey everyone, get ready for some awesome news! Immutable, a top-notch web3 gaming platform, is teaming up with Spielworks, the EOS-based game distribution platform and publisher. This partnership is set to supercharge the rewards system in web3 gaming, especially for Immutable’s The Main Quest. Plus, both platforms will be providing mutual marketing support to boost user acquisition and engagement across Spielworks’ platform Wombat and the NFT marketplace AtomicHub. This is going to be epic!

Seamless NFT Trading with AtomicHub Integration

But wait, there's more! This collaboration will bring AtomicHub into the mix with Immutable’s zkEVM, Immutable Passport, and Immutable Checkout. That means you'll get super smooth NFT trading from games within the Immutable ecosystem. And it gets even better with the new Exposure Program featuring special badges and tournaments to reward you for your trading activities. You guys won't believe this!

Get Ready for the New Exposure Program!

The new Exposure Program is here, and it's all about giving you special badges and tournaments to boost your trading activities. Imagine getting rewarded just for doing what you love – trading NFTs! This is a game-changer for all you web3 gaming enthusiasts out there.

Earn Extra Rewards on Wasder

Guess what? You can now earn extra rewards by joining Spielworks’ social app Wasder. Interact with other players, build your social profiles, and network like a pro. It's all about having fun and getting those awesome rewards. Join the fun and make the most out of your gaming experience!

Boosting User Engagement Together

This partnership is not just about rewards; it’s about bringing the community together. With mutual marketing support, Immutable and Spielworks aim to boost user engagement and acquisition. This means more players, more excitement, and a thriving web3 gaming ecosystem. Let’s make this happen together!

Robbie Ferguson on the Exciting Partnership

Robbie Ferguson, the co-founder and president of Immutable, is super pumped about this partnership. He said, “We are thrilled to expand our partnership with Spielworks and AtomicHub to further the reach and impact of The Main Quest rewards program. This collaboration will not only provide additional rewards for players but also offer enhanced exposure and marketing support for games building on our platform.”

Adrian Krion Highlights the Collaboration Impact

Adrian Krion, co-founder and CEO of Spielworks, is equally excited. He highlighted the importance of this collaboration, saying, “High-quality content within and around web3 games deserves a proper spotlight, and together with Immutable, we can really elevate the space for everyone — creators, players, and traders alike. We’re creating real impact here and setting a standard for collaboration in web3 gaming moving forward.”

Final Thoughts: What This Means for Web3 Gaming

This partnership between Immutable and Spielworks is a massive step forward for the web3 gaming ecosystem. It promises to deliver more robust rewards and greater engagement opportunities for players and developers alike. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and let’s take web3 gaming to the next level!

Immutable and Spielworks Team Up for Web3 Gaming Rewards and NFTs!
Immutable and Spielworks Team Up for Web3 Gaming Rewards and NFTs!

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