Telegram Stars: Buy Digital Goods, Convert to Toncoin ($TON) and More!

Telegram Stars: Buy Digital Goods, Convert to Toncoin ($TON) and More!

Play To Earn Games | 09 Jun 2024 06:33 UTC

Telegram has just launched an in-app currency called Telegram Stars. This exciting new feature lets you purchase digital goods and services from bots and mini-apps, and even convert Stars to Toncoin ($TON) through the Fragment platform. This is huge for developers and users alike!

In this article, we'll dive into why Telegram introduced Stars, how you can get and use them, and the benefits for developers. Plus, we'll look at Telegram's collaboration with Tether and the impact on popular games like Hamster Kombat and Notcoin.

Stick around to find out all the juicy details!

Quick Recap: What You Need to Know About Telegram Stars

Telegram Stars: The Basics

  • Telegram Stars is a new in-app currency.
  • Use Stars to buy digital goods and services from bots and mini-apps.
  • Convert Stars to Toncoin ($TON) via the Fragment platform.

Why Telegram Launched Stars

  • Making payments for digital goods easier.
  • Aligns with Google and Apple's app store policies.
  • Opens up a market of over 900 million users.

Getting and Using Stars

  • Buy Stars through the Play Store, App Store, or PremiumBot.
  • Spend them on items like game products and e-books.
  • Future plans include gifting Stars to content creators.

Collaborations and Benefits

  • Partnership with Tether to boost business transactions.
  • Developers get a 70% revenue share from digital goods.
  • Telegram subsidizes ads bought with Stars to reduce fees.

Expanding Ecosystem

  • Hamster Kombat and Notcoin games are hugely popular.
  • Boosts the value of related tokens and the overall Telegram ecosystem.

With these points, you're all set to dive into the detailed breakdown of Telegram Stars. Let's get into the specifics!

Telegram Stars: A Game-Changer for Digital Purchases!

Hey folks, big news! Telegram just dropped a bombshell with their latest update - introducing Telegram Stars, an in-app currency that's set to revolutionize how we buy digital goods and services from bots and mini-apps. And guess what? Developers can convert these Stars into Toncoin ($TON) via Fragment, making it a win-win for everyone involved!

Why Telegram Introduced Stars for Digital Services

So, why did Telegram roll out this new currency? According to their official blog, it's all about making it easier to pay for digital goods and services from bots and mini-apps. Previously, you could only buy physical products this way, but now, digital products are in the mix too. This update aligns with Google and Apple's latest policies, opening up a massive market of over 900 million users for creators of digital content. How cool is that?

How to Get Your Hands on Telegram Stars

Ready to get some Stars? You can snag them through in-app purchases on the Play Store and App Store, or by using PremiumBot. Once you've got your Stars, the sky's the limit! Use them for all sorts of digital goodies, from game items to e-books and more. Plus, in the near future, you might even be able to gift Stars to your favorite content creators as a way to show your support.

Buy Stars Easily via Play Store, App Store, or PremiumBot

Buying Stars is super straightforward. Just hop onto the Play Store, App Store, or even PremiumBot, and you're good to go. Spend them on anything digital within Telegram, and soon, you'll even be able to convert them to Toncoin through Fragment. And speaking of Toncoin, did you know it's one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap? Yeah, it's pretty epic.

Future Features: Gifting Stars and More!

Telegram has big plans for Stars. They're looking to add more features, like the ability to gift Stars to content creators. Imagine supporting your favorite Telegram creators directly with a currency that can be converted into one of the most valuable cryptos out there. Stay tuned for more updates on this front!

Convert Stars to Toncoin Effortlessly

One of the coolest features is the ability to convert your Stars into Toncoin via Fragment. Toncoin has been on a roll lately, with its value soaring and making headlines. This integration makes Stars not just a way to buy stuff but a potential investment too!

Telegram's Collaboration with Tether: What It Means for You

In April, Telegram announced a game-changing collaboration with Tether at the Token 2049 conference in Dubai. This partnership is set to make Telegram an even more attractive platform for business transactions. With Tether in the mix, the possibilities are endless!

Developers Rejoice: Earn More with Telegram Stars!

Developers, this one's for you! Telegram is offering a whopping 70% revenue share for digital goods sold through their platform. And if that wasn't enough, they're also subsidizing ads purchased with Stars, which means lower overall fees for you. It's time to start developing those awesome bots and mini-apps!

70% Revenue Share and Ad Subsidies

Telegram is breaking the mold with a generous 70% revenue share for developers. On top of that, they're subsidizing ads bought with Stars to help cut down on those pesky commission fees from Apple and Google. This move is a game-changer for anyone looking to monetize their digital content on Telegram.

Telegram Ecosystem Expands with Popular Games

Telegram's ecosystem is booming, thanks to the addition of digital goods and services. With over 400 million users actively engaging with bots and mini-apps, the potential is huge. Games like Hamster Kombat and Notcoin are leading the charge, bringing in millions of users and boosting the value of related tokens.

Hamster Kombat and Notcoin: Leading the Charge

Hamster Kombat has hit 100 million players and is set to launch its own token soon. Notcoin, another Telegram game, has surged past a $2 billion market cap, making it the largest gaming token of 2024. These games are not just fun but also a big part of Telegram's growing digital economy.

Telegram Stars: Buy Digital Goods, Convert to Toncoin ($TON) & More!
Telegram Stars: Buy Digital Goods, Convert to Toncoin ($TON) & More!

Telegram Stars: Your New Way to Buy Digital Goods and Services

Discover Telegram Stars, the new in-app currency for digital goods and services. Convert Stars to Toncoin ($TON) and enjoy a 70% revenue share for developers. Dive in now!

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